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100 Business Strategies: Thinking outside the box

Discover the power of innovative marketing in any setting. From rural villages to bustling cities, creativity can drive sales and build lasting customer relationships.

By Dr Sudheer Babu
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Innovative marketing
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In the heart of a small, remote village, Raju, a humble farmer, found himself struggling to keep his roadside shop afloat. Undeterred, he devised a unique strategy: a weekly chillie-eating contest. The competition quickly became a local sensation, drawing crowds and revitalizing his business. 

The contest 

Every week, Raju would set up a table outside his shop, laden with an assortment of fiery chillies. The rules were simple: contestants had to eat as many chillies as they could within a set time limit.

The winner would receive a small prize, but the real reward was the thrill of the competition and the bragging rights that came with it.

The results: Word of Raju's chilli-eating contest spread like wildfire throughout the village.

People from all walks of life, young and old, flocked to his shop to participate or simply watch the spectacle.

The competition not only brought in new customers but also generated excitement and buzz around his business.

A village-wide inspiration

Inspired by Raju's success, other village businesses began brainstorming innovative marketing tactics.

A tailor offered free mending for those who solved crossword puzzles, while a barber gave discounts to the funniest pranksters.

The village herbalist, struggling to compete with modern pharmacies, found a creative solution: storytelling.

The herbalist's tale 

Every evening, the herbalist would gather villagers around a bonfire, sharing ancient folk tales and subtly weaving in information about medicinal herbs.

His stories were not only entertaining but also informative, and they helped to revive interest in traditional remedies.

The results: The herbalist's storytelling became a popular event in the village, drawing crowds and boosting his business.

As people became more aware of the benefits of traditional medicine, they began to seek out his shop for their healthcare needs.

Joe's musical magic

Street vendor Joe had a unique talent: he could captivate crowds with his guitar playing and singing. By creating a memorable experience, he not only sold his products but also built a loyal customer base.

The performance: Joe would set up his stall on the street and begin playing his guitar, singing catchy songs about his wares.

His lively performances would attract a crowd, and he would often engage with his audience, telling jokes or asking them to participate in his songs.

The results: Joe's musical talent made his stall a popular destination in the village.

Customers were drawn to his performances and often purchased items simply to support him and enjoy the entertainment.

Talking animals: A pet shop's ploy

A local pet shop took marketing to a whole new level by creating animated animals that could talk and interact with visitors.

This playful twist drew crowds and generated excitement for the shop's offerings.

The attraction: The pet shop owner placed animated figures of various animals around the shop, each with a unique personality and set of lines.

Visitors could interact with the animals, asking them questions or simply enjoying their amusing conversation.

The results: The talking animals became a major draw for the pet shop, attracting families with children and people of all ages.

The playful atmosphere created by the animated figures made the shop a fun and enjoyable place to visit.

The power of creativity

The strategies employed by these rural businesses demonstrate the power of creativity and innovation in marketing. Remember, customers crave for experiences. While you may not be able to replicate Raju's chillie-eating contest, you can undoubtedly find unique ways to engage your customers and make your business stand out.

(The author, Dr. Sudheer Babu, is an entrepreneur, writer, poet, and management consultant. He is the founder and managing director of Kochi-based De Valor Management Consultants Private Limited. Email: [email protected])