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Aspiring women bosses need to cultivate strong allies

Aspiring women leaders need to build strong allies, express their ambitions, and leverage networks for success

By Dhanam News Desk
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Women bosses need to leverage networks for success

Women bosses need to cultivate strong allies, says Preeti Bajaj

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The idea of donning a leader’s hat has always attracted Preeti Bajaj.  "Managing large groups and aligning them towards a common purpose is something that has always energised me,” says Ms Bajaj, 48, the CEO and managing director of Luminous Power Technologies.

Her higher education took her to Australia, where she studied finance. But on joining the workforce, she got a closer look at the renewable energy industry and soon realised the potential of solar solutions. It readied her for a move back home in 2022 when the opportunity with Luminous Power Technologies arose.

In an interview, Gurugram-based Ms Bajaj talks about mentorship and the importance of women in leadership positions.

It takes a village to build a career

I’ve had many mentors worldwide who have guided me in various aspects of my career. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a village to build a career. They have taught me about investments, boardroom dynamics, and leadership skills.

One of my mentors advised me to do a Master’s in Applied Finance. He felt it would make me more effective in the boardroom. While I was working full-time, I completed my degree. This education has been invaluable in my professional growth and interactions with investors and board members. Looking back, I think it was the best thing I ever did.

Three tools for developing talent are mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship. Being a mentor goes beyond just offering guidance; it’s about creating a meaningful connection based on shared values. Mentorship involves caring about the mentee’s personal and professional success. I differentiate it from coaching, which is more specific. Sponsorship is crucial too, advocating for mentees in bigger roles.

On leadership 

Leadership is gender-neutral. It’s about bringing people together, handling challenges, and building strong teams. I advise aspiring women leaders to build strong allies, express your ambitions, and leverage networks for success. Focus on outcomes rather than gender, and seek and give help.

                                         By arrangement with livemint.com